Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Math Help

I'm sharing this link in case anyone else can use the help.


I'm preparing for a promotional exam that will be given in a little less than a year (yes, I'm getting ready early). I googled "Math Refresher" to try and find some help. The exam has a section dealing with statistics and I've never taken a statistics class. While searching I found this NASA site (http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/stargaze/Smath.htm) which recommended the above link.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Each time a man stands for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." 
- Robert F. Kennedy

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Virtual Murder with RW consequences?

You have to read it to believe it...


Wii Fit Challenge: Goal 1 - Week 3

I'm so ashamed of myself. The first two weeks of my Wii Fit Challenge, I
wasn't on track at all. I didn't actually use the Wii but a couple times
to weigh in. I didn't drink my daily intake of water, didn't drink my
shakes, and didn't take my supplements... nothing. The first week, I
lost .9 lbs, 2nd week I maintained. I shouldn't be surprised that I
gained weight this week, really shouldn't.

I'm back up another 2.7lbs; bring my total loss down to 3.7lbs. *sighs*

I have however been on track since Monday. I've also used the Wii Fit 2
out of 3 days. The Hula Hoop game in the aerobics section is a LOT of
fun. I've also been doing some of the yoga moves. I have some time yet
before I'm in shape enough to do the One-legged Prayer Pose (Sanskrit
name: Eka Pada Pranamasana).

I found the Sanskrit name for it here:

I have the Warrior one down pretty good. On the website I listed above,
it's titled "Warrior 2". I'll probably just stick with that and the
basic stretching poses for now. I'll need to do the strengthening
exercises more before I'll be better able to do the one-legged poses and

The Wii Fit is also a lot of fun in that the more you use it, the more
it unlocks other training "games" for you to use. It's like the game I
have for my DS called "Brain Age". I've unlocked all the games on that
though. I mostly play it now for Sudoku.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I need to get motivated...

I need to make four birthday cards and a good luck/happy retirement
card. I just can't seem to focus or get inspired.

Thankfully the retirement card isn't needed for a couple weeks yet.
However, all four birthday cards are needed by Monday at the latest.

So tonight I'm going to try a couple things and see what I come up with.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No on Prop 8... wow, I'm getting all political!

So, I'm reading the newspaper online, and reading an article about Prop
8, which is set to ban same-sex marriages.

I personally am against Prop 8 and will be voting no. I'm also saddened
by some of the lies I've been seeing about the Prop, trying to get
voters to pass it. This is not Massachusetts people ... this is

Here is the news article that I read:

And this was my favorite commented posted:
kwinflight wrote on 10/21/2008 10:28:29 AM:
My "lifestyle": Get up at 5am, catch the bus and go to work (I take the
bus because it's cheaper and more responsible). Spend 9-10 hours a day
at work. Come home. Eat dinner with my children and talk about their
day. Pay bills. Read bedtime stories. Worry about the economy. Go to
sleep, and do it all again the next day. Wait, you mean that sounds like
your life too? Hmm, that's odd. Mine's the gay version. We're not that
different. Too bad homophobes will NEVER admit that.

So, I was trying to find more information on Prop 8 ... I wanted to read
it for myself and see what has these people yelling that their children
will be forced to learn that gay marriage is okay, or whatever.

Here is the link to Prop 8
(http://www.voterguide.sos.ca.gov/title-sum/prop8-title-sum.htm) ...
there is a link on that page that will take you the text of the proposed
law (the document it links to has the text of all the proposed laws). No
where did I read that it was going to force schools to teach children
about gay marriage.

As I was doing a little more searching, wondering if maybe there was
more info on this Prop somewhere (hoping to find unbiased info), I found
a little blog post by Google. For some reason, I found myself wanting to
share. You can read it here:

My stance on this? This is about equality. The Church and the State are
separate. The State is allowing same-sex couples to marry. They are not
saying that Churches have to do it. To deny two people who love each
other the chance to fully share their lives because they are the same
sex is just plain wrong.

Just some thoughts...

Trying to lose weight has not been an easy journey for me. Since I've
started on my recent attempt, I find I struggle because ... mostly ... I
don't find myself hungry.

Today started out well enough. I had my supplements and morning shake
before 8:30, I'd also already had 2 of my 8 glasses of water for the

Its not nearly 1:30 and I still haven't had my lunch shake (forcing
myself to drink it now) and I barely finished my 4th glass of water. I
should be on my 6th by now.

I had to fight with myself to not go out and get some solid food. I
really wanted some red meat. Not because I was hungry, I just wanted it.

At least the last two weeks I lost some weight (even if the total was
less than a pound), regardless of the fact that I wasn't drinking my
water, shakes or taking my supplements. I weigh-in tomorrow night so
we'll see how things stand and if I finally gained some weight.

Free-Form Writing...

It's been a long while since I actually wrote anything. This morning I
opened Word and just started typing.

I posted what I ended up with (there were no changes, I posted exactly
as it was written) at my writing LJ @

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In which I'm still dealing with being sick...

I think I've hit a rut because of this stupid cold. I haven't been able to focus very well the last week or two. I haven't designed a card in weeks. I've made some, but they weren't my designs.

Its just been ... surreal. Its almost like I've been watching someone else's life.

Like for example. It had been nearly a year since I'd seen a certain person, regardless of the fact that I pass by their workplace (and my hubby's) at least 5 times a week ... when I'm picking him up or meeting him for lunch. As I mentioned in a previous post, suddenly I'm seeing her every time I go there. I keep telling myself its just because she has a similar shift to my husband at the moment. But the thing is, I know that she has had a similar shift before ... why all of a sudden does she now show up so much? I have a feeling that she will make it to the convention we go to every year, again. Last year I was thankful I didn't get into a game I wanted to play because she ended up in it. Is it wrong that I wish she'd just disappear? Or at least, pretend I don't exist... like I try to when I see her. I don't stare at her, I just go about my business. But when I look up, I find her staring me down. *sighs*

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In which being sick ... sux!

I took a day off work on Wednesday last week to take care of some things. By that evening, I had developed a sore throat. Who knew that it would be Tuesday before I returned to work? I don't have the sore throat today, however my sinuses hate me and my nose in particular has it in for me.

Granted, yesterday was Columbus Day and a state observed holiday. Therefore, my office was closed and I didn't have to use any sick leave to stay home. I can assure you, I was still miserable enough yesterday to want to stay home.

I did however, take the time to step on the Wii and at least weight myself for the week (as noted in my previous post).

I've also had a lot on my mind recently. As a lot of my close friends know, a few years ago some really bad things happened in my life, one of them nearly being the destruction of my marriage. One of the perps that did their best to help the destruction along seemed to have vanished from my life and it helped me to move on. Well, that person suddenly reappeared about two weeks ago... after nearly a year of not seeing them. Granted, they still work at the same place as my husband, but I began to enjoy not having the fear of running into her when visiting my husband at lunch, or picking him up on the days he wanted me to drive him in.

Seeing the person also help me realize that I was better and that time does heal most wounds. This one is still there a bit and not fully healed, but its better. I only had one nightmare after the sighting, and it wasn't any like the ones before. The biggest help has been my husband. He has been supportive and doing what he can to sooth my fears and hurts after all this. He understands that I still have trust issues and that has been a huge balm. He doesn't make me feel silly when I have a bad moment, and only once got frustrated when I apologized for "being silly." He looked at me and said I wasn't being silly.

Another of the issues that I was dealing with at the time was nearly losing my grandmother. Her health has slowly been deteriorating and earlier this year she was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. They told us she only has six months left to live, without treatment. My grams is still with us at the moment, but her lungs are starting to give. She's refusing chemo, and I honestly don't blame her. However, she is now virtually always on her breathing machine and they had to increase the oxygen because one of her lungs is no longer getting enough. My uncle drove her down from Oregon a couple weeks ago and she's living with my sister. My sister couldn't be happier because now my grams will get to see her grandchildren and not be so far away. My mother is living with my sister too and is taking care of my grams.

Wow, that was a lot to share ... that's what I get for not posting in so long. I'm going to also try and work on some craft projects tonight.

Wii Fit Challenge: Goal 1 - Week 1

I haven't been on track at all (again), but I did lose .9lbs. My first goal is 15 lbs to put me back under the 300 mark. Yes, 300 ... I tell friends that and they tell me I'm lying. If I'm lying, then the scale is lying. *shrug*

I know I said previously that I was starting over. That is true, but then not true. I'm starting over by not posting results as weeks. I've decided to do it by goals, hence the title "Goal 1 - Week 1". We'll try this out and see how it works.

Cross-posting ... so much easier!

As I cause the rebirth of my blog, I have found that cross-posting is
now very easy. One post and BAMPH! It's on both blogs.

Imagine that.

Why didn't I do this before?

Whoohoo, its all working!

I’ve tinkered with a few more things and I’m very happy with the results. I don’t think I’ll be re-creating my blog using the b2evolution software. I really liked it but I’m a bit lazy when it comes to some things. It took me an hour with b2evolution to do what just took me 10 minutes (at the most) with blogger.


I set up a sub-domain on wonderwench.com (blog.wonderwench.com) which will redirect to my blogger.


Now I need to tinker with the layout until I’m happy. J

Just a test...

I'm tinkering with a few things and so I'm just testing to see if this
will post.