Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
LATE NIGHT COMEDY: Jimmy Kimmel - Can I make jokes about Obama?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I've fallen ...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
WoW funnies
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh how the mighty (NOT) have fallen...
Monday, November 10, 2008
more on the subject of vampires... Twilight
I have read all of the books in the series except for the most recent (I think it's titled "New Dawn"), and I have no intention of reading anymore. I guess I found them to be too ... boring, and maybe a little whinny.
I guess I shouldn't really worry about it; I'm not exactly the author's chosen audience. The thing is, I'm tired of all the angst ...
whaaa, I'm undead and lonely. You're so beautiful, I love you, I want to spend the rest of my un-life with you. No, no matter how much you beg me, I won't turn you into a vampire because then you can't tempt me with your blood anymore, and then I can't be a brooding vampire trying so
hard not to eat you. Oh I'm so lonely.
But oh, the sight of Robert Pattinson (Cedric for those Harry Potter fans :)) as Edward ... that's drool worthy. I might just go see the movie because of him.
True Blood and the Sookie Stakehouse novels...
Blood. To be honest, she kinda shoved it at me. When she gets excited
about something, she goes all out and most often, this is a little bit
of a turnoff for me. I hesitated to watch the show till I could form my
own opinion about it. I actually ended up reading all the novels except
the most recent "From Dead to Worse". Part of me regrets reading the
books first because in my opinion, the books are far better than the
In fact, I'm not really sure how I feel about the show. I've watched up
to Episode Six (and as I told my husband it took that long for my dear
Ms. Anna Panquin to become an official soft-core porn star). They've
changed several things from the books to the show. Like for example, all
the books up till "All Together Dead" were prior to Katrina. "All
Together Dead" was post Katrina and that was a major backdrop to
everything that was going on. They didn't do this for the show.
They also introduced some things into the show that don't show up for a
few books, or introduced those things but twisted them. They also
changed a few characters around. Majority of the changes don't sit well
with me, which is why I wished I'd waited to read the books. But then,
the more I think about it, the more I realize the issues I have with the
show I'd still have no matter if I read the book before or after seeing
the show.
Overall it's not a bad show. If you like vampires and supernatural
stories, then you'll like this. If you're a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and
Angel fan, you'll likely enjoy this show ... just be aware that the
content is more Anita Blake than Buffy. The sex scenes are very
soft-core porn ... but then that shouldn't be surprising, it's on HBO.
Speaking of Anita Blake; that was one thing I told my husband I liked
more about the Sookie books than the Anita ones. Sookie pretty much
remains human through everything. She doesn't get exponentially more
powerful with each book (hubby thought I was going to say with each sex
scene :P). I guess the short of it is that Sookie is more believable ...
you can relate to her better.
Oh, and to save this link to read later at home. It's some kind of HBO
Wiki for the show...
Tarot for the week...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
And fear prevails?
"As a licensed minister, if I was told to wed a lesbian or gay couple, I'd refuse," said Arab. "I'd take my chances and go to jail. It's anti-biblical and against God's law."
The right for same-sex couples to marry was to be a STATE recognized union. This was not the State telling churches they had to marry these couples, yet that is obviously what was believed.
The quote was taken from my local newspaper in this article:
Granted, the lead is a slim margin (52% to 48%) and only 92% of precincts reporting. It COULD change, but I'm not holding my breath after all the hate I've seen recently.
Believe me I can understand the other side's view. Most are upset simply because it's changing the TRADITIONAL definition of marriage. They claim that same-sex couples already have all the same rights, etc. But the truth is they don't. If their partner is hospitalized or sick, do you think they are allowed to be at their side? No. I can also understand this from the religious side, having grown up with a Roman Catholic grandmother. But as I've said before, Church and State are separate and this was a STATE issue. This country was founded in order to be free from oppression and to allow for religious freedom. Right now that's not looking like the case.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness."
That is a very well known excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.
By the passing of Prop 8, it's my opinion that we just told a group of Americans that they are NOT created equal.