Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Governor resorts to threats...

So, I'm reading an article on the SacBee website and at the very end of the article is a quote:

"The fact of the matter is in the end I have the authority, if they don't go along with the furlough, to lay people off so we have a savings of ($1.3 billion)," he added.

Basically he's stated that if he loses the court battle which I believe is scheduled tomorrow, then he will lay off state employees. The 1.3 million dollars he is trying to save is what, 2.5% of the deficit (40 million dollars)? Way to go Arnie! Kick the working class down while you can. By laying off so many people, you're adding more to the long line of people filing for unemployment. Who is going to go out and purchase things now? The more people are laid off, the less being spent on good and services, which results in even more people being laid off.

The article can be found here:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wow ... finally, a post!

Its been about a week and a half since my last post. It seemed like life came to a stand still when my grandmother passed and only now has started to pick up again. I'm slowly picking back up my hobbies and trying to get back into my usual routines. 

I was supposed to send out christmas cards, but with the funeral and assorted other family issues that cropped up, the cards never got finished and sent out. So I'm trying to make it up to friends and send out Valentine's Day cards ... just need to finish them. Inspiration has been slow in returning as well.

At least I have tomorrow off. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning and then after that I can spend some time working on my cards. I'll try and post some stuff over at Wonder Stamping tomorrow. Like the cute milk cartons I made for a vday treat.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Humor: Studdering Kitties

The third grade teacher is teaching how humans are different from the rest of the mammals and makes the statement that "Humans are the only animal that stutters."

Little Susie speaks up and disagrees. "Teacher, I used to have a kitty that stuttered."

Knowing how endearing these stories can sometimes be, the teacher asks Susie to tell the class about her stuttering kitty.

Susie says, "Last summer I let my kitty outside because it was really nice. Next door lives a mean Rottweiler that hates kitties. The Rottweiler saw my kitty and jumped the fence. My kitty arched its back, went Fffff Fffff Fffff and before she could get the rest of that word out, the mean ol' doggie ate her."